Name: Miranda Zarae
Age: 24
Part: sadistic killer's assistant preferred, but I'm up for anything
Personality: usually calm and serious, but when something gets to her and she cracks, she'll go completely ballistic and bloodthirsty ('cause her mental state is fragile)
Looks: short, lean (like a viper... heh heh heh that's so not me)
Hair-shoulder length, straight, feathery bangs that always fall in her left eye, black
Eyes- gold (no seriously this girl at camp that I met last summer had gold eyes)
Skin- pale, gray tinted
Anything else: is violent, can fight really well, can make a weapon out of anything at all
Ronnie: I can make a shank out of this orange juice bottle
Bryan: Really?
Ronnie: Yeah, just take the lid off, get a small fire going, stick this end into the fire until it's all soft and melty, then roll it between your palms, until it's thin and sharp, and dip it in water to cool it. Then you have this nice long plastic sickle.
Bryan: Ronnie Radke, everyone!