(#) CyanideSuicide 2012-10-15

Killjoy Name TechnoLust

Real Name Mazy

Age (20-29) 24

ClothesBlack skinnies with the print of the bones in her leg on them, black knee high boots with buckles all over them, Purple zombie shirt, green sash over that, wears a purple and yellow mask

Love Interest/Relationship (If you want to be with one of the band it'll be under love interest for now and you can have more than one and it can be one of your fellow killjoys if you are already in a relationship it'll have to be one of your fellow killjoys or just a random person) Mikey? Or anyone

Signature Colour (Mines Red) Green and Purple

Scars? One that goes from the edge of her left eye across her lips to one inch bellow her right ear, one that looks like her throat was slit

Tattoos? One of a Pixie on her back


Appearence Pale, 5ft8, Has white hair to her waist with a single tiny braid behind her ear and bangs that completely cover her eyes, green eyes,

Personality Very morbid at times, laughs alot, loves jokes, observant, clever, witty, dry sense of humor

Sexuality Bi

Background Her parents were undertakers so she can also handle the dead and all that jazz, she has a bad habit of eating dog biscuits

Position in the killjoy group (eg. Mechanic, Weapons etc) Technology expert/Mortician

Any other infoNope :)