Review for AUDITIONS!!!


(#) NoPainNoGain 2012-10-21

Ah damn! I waited too long and now loads of people have auditioned :( screw you apple and your shit iPhone battery.
I might as well audition anyway :)

This is for the main girl:

Name: Flash West, at least that's what everyone calls her.

Age: 21

Clothes: mainly superhero t-shirts and jeans with signature batman converse. Onstage she still wears the converse but but often wears vest tops with a cropped leather or military jacket.

Personality: she's usually shy and doesn't make friends easily, but she'll talk and be friendly if spoken to. Until she gets onstage where she becomes this crazy, energetic person. Though with her friends she is kind of insane and dirty minded, with a weird sense of humour.

Looks (Split for detail):
Hair: long and caramel brown shot through with loads of different bright colours. Often in loose curls or waves.
Eyes: wide and cobalt blue with a tiny bit of green in the left.
Weight/height: quite tall and skinny with slight curves.
Tattoos or piercings: bridge and vampire piercings (the ones in the mouth not on the neck)

Likes: singing, sleeping, eating, comics, superheroes and breaking random stuff. Also, Shipping people!!!

Dislikes: stupid people, idiots who criticise her love of shipping/her OTPs

How did you become such good friends with the band?: She was in an English class with Mikey during school and when she started to read a Justice league comic he asked her about it and they became friends. She then became close friends with the others, almost a sister to Frank.

Thank you! I would love to be part of your story ;)

If you need anything else, be sure to email me:

Flash x