(#) Mirazal 2012-10-21

Elizabeth, I feel for you girl.

Honestly, I don't know if any guy has ever liked me. Well... there was one. Okay. Cute childhood love story coming out.

I met him in fifth grade, and I thought he was super cute. Turns out, he's the smartest person I have ever met, and whenever we talk, I just feel mentally incompetent next to him. But for some reason, he talks to me, and he is so sweet and nice and shy.

In sixth grade, we were in different classes, but we still saw each other a bunch. He's becoming a little more popular, and he talks a lot more. Not all of it is like "intellectual" conversation though, sometimes it's just silly and funny, and I really loved it.

In seventh grade, he was in my math class. By then, he had become really kind of obnoxious; he flaunted his intelligence in public, and he was still the smartest person in our grade, but whenever I talked to him alone, he was still super sweet and nice, and I was really confused. At the end of the year he gave me his phone number in my YEARBOOK so everyone knew what he had done; I didn't know if he was serious or not so I panicked and didn't call him that summer.

In eighth grade, I didn't see him at all except during passing periods, and then I would just try not to look at him.

I'm in ninth grade now. I didn't know it, but he had moved away during the summer. When I tried the phone number, it didn't work.

There's my sad story. All my feels.

Thanks for doing this, AJ! I FEEL ALL SPESH NOW

Author's response

;_; I didn't need those feels anyways.
Ok, here's my story:

I discover FicWad in Late May.
I join in June.
I see auditions.
When I finally figure out that you don't need to be the exact age required in real life, I audition.

I start watching a lot more MCR videos so I can get a clear vision of who's who.
I see the drummer.
It's Bob.
I fall head over heels in lust with him.
Soon, love blossoms.
I get over my 3 year crush with him.
I love Bob.
I love him to this second.
My feels don't let me have any crushes on anyone but Blonde drummers with lip rings.

There. XD