^^^^^^^ THANK YOU SHAYLA. :3
I felt bad when you cried. :C I don't want you to get arreste haha! I can't wait for the Franina to appear. Despite the fact that I'll cry my eyes out for a month and eat nothing but ice cream I'll enjoy it! HAHA JUST KIDDING I MEAN I'LL STILL LIVE IT. ^__^
I love Frank with all my heart! I just love being his sister and ohhh it's so cute! :} FRANK YOU MAKE MY HEART INCESTUOUSLY BURRRN. By the way (Way. Heheh.) how old am I in this? Just wondering. Please update soon!
Author's response
Haha! I'm glad you like it! (I love Frank more than you. Shhh.) Haha. I think I'll make you 8 if that's okay. XD xx