Review for Personalized one shots

Personalized one shots

(#) Shayla_boo 2012-11-09

Name: Shayla Becker

Age: 5 :3

Looks: small, wide hazel eyes, dark chestnut choppy hair in pigtails with a tiny fringe, light-skinned

Personality: hyper, bubbly, talkative, innocent, easily distra-hey look a bunny! XD

Clothing/Tattoo's/Piercings: a white polka-dotted dress, green high-tops, a yellow knitted beany

Background: Ray adopted me when I was three because my parents were too young and I was too hyper.

Era: Hrmm recent? Danger Days I guess but not with killjoys.

Person you want to be paired with: Well Ray's my father in this please. :)

Storyline: It's my birthday and Ray takes me to the fair. We're having fun but I run off and get lost so he freaks out and looks everywhere for me. When he finds me he's angry at first but then we go home and all is well.

Thank you if you could write this!

Anything else: I have asthma. . .I love to play with Ray's fro