Review for Ficwad Secret Santa?:)

Ficwad Secret Santa?:)

(#) killjoy_blackrose 2012-11-11

well, i wanna join too o.o
Name: Katharina Schmeichel
Nickname: Katie
Age: 16
Looks: 5,4 (can't seem to grow past that damned number) big glasses (horribly bad eyes) natural hair color: light brown. but i shaved both sides and dyed them green. the rest is dyed blue and spiked up. (fucking normal mohawk with two colors, kay)
Likes: drawing my own mangas, painting, playing guitar, thinking up shit, looking like a lunatic, sleeping in, listening to music, watch awesome cartoons for kids (current obsession is die schule der kleinen vampire that shit is cute)
dislikes: assholes, intolerance, discrimination, prejudice, my mind when it derps around, ignorance and people who feel 'sooo goddamn cool'
anything else: i'm in a band with two of my guy friends. all of us play guitar and are medicore at best. i'm as addicted to coffee as can be. need a fucking liter a day. withdrawl symptoms are headaches and being a cunt. i should be learning maths right now...fuck

um okay i'm also very random and immature at times. i have two piecings in my right ear and reaaaally want to have a lip ring. not allowed. fuck you mom.

xo k

was this what i was supposed to do?