I knew it had to be Pete. No one else would be that fun to torture. Plus, the whole "people to tell me what time it is..." speil.
great chapter again. But I'm not surprised by that at all.
my favorite horror movie--uhh...wow. I have a lot but "Jaws" is probably my favorite (just the 1st one) and so is "Scream" (again just the 1st one).
Spraypaiting would be necessary--but you mean I get to be 4 characters! dances yay!
Author's response
Yeah, that´s not the surprise, sugar. (I´m just gonna continue calling you that cos you seem to be a sugar-addict and it´s FOB related. And it sounds sexy. roar) The real plot twist will probably come in chapter 5 or so. I just need some time to build up the character a bit. Yeah, "Jaws" is not gonna make it into this story as it´s set in a 17 by 13 feet big room. ;) But the Bass Files are very flexible with things like that so keep an eye out for that. Thanks for your support! :) P.S.: Remember some of those dance moves for the movie when you´re starring as one of the slutty cheerleader girls. ;)