(#) tmbfucks 2012-11-24

Part and backup part Frank's girlfriend please!!! PLEASE!!! Or your little sister, or both!!! :O
Which idea? (Homeless people or boarding school?) Boarding school. I like those stories, but I like both of them.
Name Penina Dayne
Nickname Just call me Penina... seriously, or make some up... XD
Age 15, or however old you need me.
Hair Long, straight, chestnut brown with a full fringe.
Eyes Big, green, with long eyelashes.
Skin Pale white.
Height/Weight 5'3, but I don't know how much I weigh.
Clothes Black leggings, short sleeved shirt with a picture or pattern on it, and black boots.
Piercings None
Tattoos None
Scars A banana shaped one on my left elbow from falling on glass.
Jewelery Don't wear any.
Likes Animals, Frank, the internet, Frank, music, Frank, the sims, Frank, Frank, FRANK!!! Haha! XD
Dislikes Insects, spiders, mean people, and people who are mean to the people I care about, like Frank for instance. XD
Anything else? I'm originally from London and I have HFA. XD xx