Part and backup part: Your little sister or. . . your little sister? Please? :3 I really want that part haha. XD
Which idea? (Homeless people or boarding school?): Homeless
Name: Mia (Last name here)
Nickname: MiaMia
Age: 8
Hair: jet black, super curly and to my chest, with a side fringe like Frank's in the Revenge era
Eyes: big and dark, dark brown
Skin: Medium color. .
Height/Weight: 4'7, 90 pounds
Clothes: turquoise Converse high-tops, a knit black and white striped sweater, ripped black skinnies, a wolf hat
Scars ^^^^^^ None
Jewelery: a Black UglyDoll Icebat keychain,!oME8VonTOQEBPML-Fgk2g~~60_35.JPG&w=300&h=300&ei=k0KxUIjkKoL28gSXrYHIBQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1100&vpy=138&dur=2986&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=115&ty=110&sig=104140027271184597917&page=1&tbnh=143&tbnw=139&start=0&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:0,i:112
Likes: 80's rock music and 80's horror movies, sour candy, tinkering with things (i.e. hotwiring cars, taking apart radios), exploring, climbing things/people, bats, the color purple
Dislikes: the cold, being hungry all the time, being alone, people who stare, spiders
Anything else? Nahup. C: