Part: Badass
Name: Daniella Georgson
Nickname(s): Dani
Hair: blood red, wavy, past her shoulders
Eyes: green
Height/weight: 5'5, 110 pounds
Skin tone: pale
Anything else with looks?: nope
Clothes(remember this is after the apoclypse, no fancy ass shit): plaid shirts, faded jeans, and worn out converse
Personality: comes off as sweet, can be a real bitch, loves killing stuff, isn't very bright, tough, and she gets mad easily
Likes: blood, seeing people in pain, killing stuff, singing while she's killing stuff, and apples
Dislikes: people beating her in anything, rats (so she kills them), and not eating apples
Leader or follower?: Leader. She is tough enough to be a leader.
How do you feel about killing zombies?: LOVES IT MORE THAN JOSH OMG