Review for Goodbye Cruel World, Hello Love

Goodbye Cruel World, Hello Love

(#) Sam41 2012-12-14

I know this will mean probably absoutley jack shit; for the fact that I know nearly nothing about you, and someone saying "oh hey you shouldn't do that" has no effect whatsoever.
I'm not going to command you to suddenly quit, just one day be like "Hey, why not stop cutting because a chick told me to"
So in all honesty, you should stop; it only gets worse until your at the point when you could be in a great mood, even on a concert high and all you wanna do is cut.
Take it from me; it will start taking over your whole life until it falls to peices;
Even though like I said I barely know you, it still sucks the same.
Really though, there are people who care, take me for example. I give a fuckton of damn's about you and your well being.
You know my email, i'm here if you feel the need to just vent for a bit.
Don't worry I won't judge, or bite