Review for Audition Form For Everyone

Audition Form For Everyone

(#) LaurentheHuman 2012-12-16

Name: Lauren Human
Nickname: None. c:
Age and birthday: Whatever's needed. 14th of January.
Hair: Curly, dark brown that ends a quarter of the way down her back.
Eyes: Brown

Parts you'd be: Usually a friend or kid or sister or something. I don't like to do the "girlfriend with MyChem" thing. They're more like my babies and that'd make it like...incest. Plus, I like to pretend there's an (almost) monogamous relationship with Patrick Stump goin' on. A girl can dream, okay?

Anything else?: If so, I'll add it in individual auditions. There usually never is, but yeah. c:
Bravo Yankee Echo.