Review for Auditions!


(#) alligatorpie 2012-12-31

Name: Annabelle (Anna) Whitlock

Age(15+): 17

Part you want: Mikey's girlfriend :) :) :)

Hair: I have the Skrillex cut, except not shaved. The short part is about an inch long, and the long part is about 4 inches past my shoulders when I wear it curly, 6 inches past my shoulders when I straighten it, but I usually just leave it curly. My bangs and the short part of my hair are blonde, and the rest of it is reddish brown, with one black piece by my ear that just won't bleach out.

Eyes: A ring brown around my iris', mostly green, then a ring of grey. Weird thing, they glow gold in direct sunlight. I have really long eyelashes, and I always wear a thick line of black eyeliner on my top eyelid, and sometimes a thin line on the bottom. I only wear eyeshadow on super special occasions, or when I'm really bored. Also, I wear thick rimmed black nerd glasses.

Skin tone: Most of the time, I'm really pale, but in the summer I get really tan. My heritage is Mexican, Native American, Russian, and Austrian.

Body type ( height, weight etc): I'm about 5'10, and pretty curvy. I'm not fat, but really not skinny either. PS: Bro, I totally thought that that said 'blood type' for a second, and I was like, "Dude, what? Why could that possibly matter?" Then I looked again, and I was like, "Oh.")

Normal clothes in detail: I wear skinny jeans, band tee shirts or super hero tee shirts, a studded rainbow belt, a hoodie, and converse, or, depending on the day, I'll wear a cute, girly dress or skirt (usually pretty short, but I wear leggings with it, so it doesn't look slutty), and I punk it up with studded jewelry, a leather jacket, and combat boots. Also, I have this choker necklace made from a chainsaw chain. In case it matters, I usually sleep in boxers and a tee shirt. When it's cold, boxers, sweatpants, and a hoodie.

Personality in detail: I tend to be pretty quiet until I get to know somebody, but even people who say that same thing usually open up and tell me their whole life story right after I meet them. I'm really impatient, and I don't handle confusion very well. I'm pretty ADD, and sometimes the only thing I can focus on is art and music. Also, about three years ago, I went through I suicidal depression, and I was cutting and all that crap. But it's been almost three years, so yay!

Likes: Gummy bears, good music, tattoos, piercings, super heros, and energy drinks.

Hates: Posers, assholes, cheerleaders, and people who think they're better than you.

A few facts about yourself: I play guitar, bass, and I sing. I'm bisexual. I love to write.

Dream job: Tattoo artist or musician.

Habits: When I'm stressed out, I move my fingers around like I'm playing guitar.

Anything else?: I think that's about it. Good luck with your story, I'm really excited to see how it turns out!
