Review for Auditions!


(#) cj_warner94 2013-01-01

Name: Christy Gold

Age(15+): 16

Part you want: main girl or mikeys girlfriend

Hair: black that covers my eyes

Eyes: brown

Skin tone: pale white

Body type ( height, weight etc): curvy, 5'6" 10 stone

Normal clothes in detail: I wear black skinny jeans and black t shirts. I wear black dms and eyeliner.

Personality in detail: I use to be bubbly and funny but now I'm sad and have no self confidence

Likes: singing, drawing and listening to misfits

Hates: bullies, slutty girls.

A few facts about yourself: I am completely and utterly terrified of peacocks

Dream job: rock star

Habits: bite my nail and self harm

Anything else?: please let me be the main girl it's so perfect for what I'm really like......