Review for Ask me things please?

Ask me things please?

(#) Poppana 2013-01-05

1. What is your opinion on pirating? (As in, illegal downloading, not the one with actual ships and eyepatches and whatnot.)

2. What in the fresh hell does "rolling in the deep" actually mean?

3. Name one thing you are insecure about yourself, and one thing you like the most.

4. Favorite video game?

5. Can you boogie?

6. Would you rather be an angel or a demon, provided that those things actually existed?

7. Air, Earth, Fire or Water?

8. This is not a question, I just want to brag: I got a Tardis cookie jar. With sound and light effects. This is the greatest achievement of my life.

9. Do you even lift?

10. Have you seen the new Hobbit movie yet? (It was fucking awesome. I so ship Fili and Kili, and I'm not even ashamed.)

11. Sammy or Dean?

12. Favorite fic, like, EVER?

13. Would you rather lose an arm or a leg?

That's all. I'll take the chocolate, even if it's dirty. Chocolate is chocolate. Chocolate ass cream. That was inappropriate. I should not be allowed around people.