Review for Fic Ideas..

Fic Ideas..

(#) Shayla_boo 2013-01-13

Yay! Thanks! :D

Name: Shayla Becker

Killjoy Name: Android Girl

Age (any age,I don't care): 14

How long have you been with the killjoys: Two years

Specialties: I'm a great thief.

Weaknesses: I always want to be the leader

Wanna date one of the killjoys: Yeah haha sure!

If so,who? (you can also make up one of your own!): I'll fill out a form for my boyfriend. :D

Killjoy colours: Green and yellow

Killjoy clothes: Green leather miniskirt, white off-the-shoulder tee-shirt with the picture of a boombox on it in silver, yellow knee-high combat boots with pink laces, green mesh arm-warmers

Killjoy Mask: It's a glittery silver bandanna

Killjoy gun: Bright yellow with blue edges

what is your killjoy logo: A colorful boombox

Backstory: My father was part of BL/I's S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W unit. When I witnessed him killing a family of killjoys I ran away and bumped into my boyfriend. The klljoys rescued us during a Drac fight.

Opinion on BL/ind: I'm mixed because my family's pro-Bl/i and my father wants me dead but they're still my family.

Opinion on Killjoys: They're like he older siblings I never had.

Looks: skinny, a bit tall, pale, short choppy emerald green hair in pigtails with a fringe that covers a bit of my eyes

Personality: loud, can be annoying, a bit bossy, humorous, sassy, fearless, a hopeless romantic

Anything else you'd like me to know: I have asthma.

Author's response

Ok,you and the boyfriend are in!