Hey Amy! Penina's (FrankIsMySexGod) internet is not working so she asked me to audition for her. :3
Name You know.
Nickname You know.
Age 15 or however old I need to be. :)
Part FRANK'S GIRLFRIEND! Please. Haha. :D
Appearence You know.
Personality You know.
Likes You know
Dislikes You know
Anything Else? Nothing you don't know.
For Girlfriends
What was your first thought when you discovered the guys? My eyes immediately fell for Frank, and I thought they were pretty awesome too. I haven't really watched it, but still. Haha. :D
Are you suicidal? (May sound random but it's pretty important) At times when I feel really low. :D xx
Again, this is Penina'a audition. :D