Review for Killjoy Auditions! :D

Killjoy Auditions! :D

(#) FrankIsMySexGod 2013-01-22

Name: Penina Dayne
Future killjoy name: Mythomania Danger
Age (11-13): 13
Five words that describe your personality: Bubbly, witty, sarcastic, loyal, friendly (Funny and can get angry at times just so you know.)
Your father says you have to stay at the diner so he can go brong BL/I down. Your reaction?: I just roll my eyes and go to my room. I'm used to being let down.
Do you trust the newcomer? Yes or no, and why?: I don't really care. As long as they don't go through my things. I like being alone.
Any deep secrets?: I have a crush on my uncle ghoul, and sometimes I wish BLi would just kill me so I could be done with hiding.

I hope this is okay. Can I be Poison's daughter PLEASE?!? Haha. :D xx