Review for Killjoy Auditions! :D

Killjoy Auditions! :D

(#) CyanideSuicide 2013-01-22

Killjoy kids
Name: Mazy
Future killjoy name:Stargirl or Mazystar (up to you)
Age (11-13):13
Looks:Turquoise Hair pulled back into two buns with straight bangs, hazel eyes, pale, 5ft5, scarred skin from eczema (the desert is pretty harsh on people who have skin conditions)
Five words that describe your personality: Outgoing, superstitious, prankster, Witty, flirtatious
Your father says you have to stay at the diner so he can go bring BL/I down. Your reaction?: Get everyone to cheer up
Do you trust the newcomer? Yes or no, and why?: Yes she believes everyone deserves a chance
Any deep secrets?: I have a crush on a guy named Andy who I meet in the middle of the night.
Who's kid ya wanna be: Kobra Kids please