Review for Killjoy Auditions! :D

Killjoy Auditions! :D

(#) tdeeley 2013-01-22

Killjoy kids
Name: Taylor Shaw
Future killjoy name: Bio Hazard
Age (11-13): 11
Looks: waistlength really dark brown hair
same eyes and fun ghoul
very short (looks about 9)
very pale
looks the double of fun ghoul
Five words that describe your personality: fun, hyper, thrill seeker, young and prankster
Your father says you have to stay at the diner so he can go bring BL/I down. Your reaction?: you want to go help kick ass and try to hid in the trunk of the car.
Do you trust the newcomer? Yes or no, and why?: no because shes wary around new people
Any deep secrets?: anorexic
Who's kid ya wanna be: FUN GHOULS PWEEEEASE!!!