Review for Killjoy Auditions! :D

Killjoy Auditions! :D

(#) XxxFallenAngelXxxx 2013-01-23

Killjoy kids
Name:Phoenix. Nicknames Ash or nix.
Future killjoy name:Artistic Myth. Nicknames Myth or Arty.
Age (11-13):twelve.
Looks:tall and thin, not very muscled. Ever so slightly tanned from the sun, one green eye and one brown eye. Naturally ash blonde hair and has a single light blue streak through the front. Hair is cropped short at the back and long and choppy at the front with a slanting fringe. Wears tarten bootcut jeans with several pockets that hold the weirdest (sometimes useful) items, chunky black boots that end just below his knees with steel toes. A Scooby doo tee shirt that is faded and a leather jacket with spikes on the sleeves and covered with patches.has his ear pierced twice on each lobe and a scaffolding on the left.
Five words that describe your personality: cheeky, rebellious, kind hearted, hot headed and imature.
Your father says you have to stay at the diner so he can go bring BL/I down. Your reaction?: oh. Great. Another little adventure that could get you all killed. Fanfuckingtastic. He knows it sound selfish, but he wants his dad to stay with him so he knows he is safe. He will miss him terribly but won't say it bvecuase he wants to look strong and grown up and doesn't want to admitt what he wants his dad.
Do you trust the newcomer? Yes or no, and why?:well he's decent towards them, bar from the odd teasing, but it takes a while to earn his trust, so know. He wants to though.
Any deep secrets?:scared of spiders.
Who's kid ya wanna be:jet's or kobra's