Review for Two dove's flying as one, completely in control.

Two dove's flying as one, completely in control.

(#) killjoy_blackrose 2013-02-06

oh my god
this is so perfect
so fucking perfect
the way gerard overanalyses everything. it's just this aspect of being meaningless, self determination, fate, control, self pity and philosophy.
straight through my heart man. at first your question yourself-am i who i really am. am i controlled by others-and you can't be sure. i especially loved the 'we start believing our own lies' part. so powerful and meaningful.
then the blunt way the bold paragraphs were written. it creates this sterile atmosphere, the bleak way life is described...
and the end just killed me! aftee you've finally come to terms with the philosophical stuff and found your solution-bam 'why gerard no get happiness' whails



xo k

Author's response

OMG JUST THIS REVIEW JUST YES OMG. gives chu llamas on a stick um... make of that what you will I suppose??