Review for Anyone Up For a Re-Write?

Anyone Up For a Re-Write?

(#) The-Corpse 2013-02-16

Form: (don't know )
Name: Alexandra Klassen
Nickname(s): Ale, Lex, Aless
Looks; (most of them are on down below)
Hair:short and red with a few bleach blonde highlights
Eyes: grey (most of the time I wear thick black rimmed glasses
General weight/height/skin tone:
What you usually wear(it's after vampires have taken over the world, so nothing fancy and perfect): vintage clothing (1940) and sometimes vibrant colors rather stand out than fit in 
Personality: shy at first won't stop talking the next, gets lost in the music (it's my life) joke a lot 
Part: survivor
Strengths: my friends 
Anything Else: I would change my hair color at least once a week 
and the one thing I'm deeply scared of is drowning and bring abducted.