Review for Anyone Up For a Re-Write?

Anyone Up For a Re-Write?

(#) BeccaIsNotOnFire 2013-02-17


Name: Missy Black

Nickname(s): Missy


Hair: Long, purple hair, spiked up fringe.
Eyes: Big, brown and with heavy flicked black eyeliner

General weight/height/skin tone: Pale skin, short and too skinny.

What you usually wear(it's after vampires have taken over the world, so nothing fancy and perfect): Black ripped jeans, red, black or purple tank tops, baggy hoodies.

Personality: Kind, funny, chaotic, hyper, sarcastic, witty, short tempered and easily pissed off but will protect those she loves.

Part: Survivor but I don't mind really.

Strengths: Excellent fighter and can...I don't know, is a good singer?

Anything Else: Nope, looking forward to this story :3 xxx