Review for Anyone Up For a Re-Write?

Anyone Up For a Re-Write?

(#) xXchickenwithatacoXx 2013-02-17

Name: Mia Cassem

Nickname(s): Kitty

Hair: jet black, extremely curly, to my chest, with a thick fringe that hangs just above my eyes
Eyes: big and dark brown
General weight/height/skin tone: 87, 4'7, deep brown but not African-American brown. . I'm Hispanic.

What you usually wear(it's after vampires have taken over the world, so nothing fancy and perfect): black and white striped long sleeve sweater, ripped black skinnies, green Converse, bright yellow beany

Personality: hyper, sweet when I want to be, impulsive, bubbly, talkative, easily angered, like the little sister of everyone

Part: Survivor but whatever works. c:

Strengths: Small as hell so I can fit anywhere and I'm very sneaky

Anything Else: nahup. :D