Review for Anyone Up For a Re-Write?

Anyone Up For a Re-Write?

(#) atomickilljoy 2013-02-17

Name: Jennifer Flores

Nickname(s): Jen


Hair:black, shoulder length, in a ponytail


General weight/height/skin tone: 5'5, 130 pounds, light brown

What you usually wear(it's after vampires have taken over the world, so nothing fancy and perfect): just regular jeans, regular t shirts or plaid shirts and sneakers

Personality: sweet, can be violent, doesn't get mad easily, and she kind of becomes a mother to others

Part: either Brendon's love interest, or the survivor, but fit her in anywhere if it's too last minute

Strengths: fighting

Anything Else: she's Mexican-American

I guess you can choose her for one of those parts, but if you can't just put her as a part of Pete's gang or something! :D