Review for Ideas and Other Random Things

Ideas and Other Random Things

(#) Poppana 2013-02-18

Peanut butter, yay or nay?

If you got to be any Disney princess, who would you be?

What languages can you speak?

You read manga? Have you read Yotsuba!&?? It's my favorite.

Would you rather have sexual intercourse with George W. Bush or stick your head down a public urinal and lick it clean?

What number am I thinking of?

You get to change one thing about the world, and it can be anything. What would you change?

Based on nothing but my username and these questions I've asked, what is your immediate attitude towards me?

Author's response


Mulan xD

English (No shit), German and some French

I haven't, no D:

D: Nuuuuuuuuu! Never!


Get rid of all suffering. Or make the world into a themepark. Idk. Nope, the first one.

You seem random.
