Review for Auditions? Really? REALLY!? YES REALLY!

Auditions? Really? REALLY!? YES REALLY!

(#) atomickilljoy 2013-02-22

Name: Jennifer Flores

Nickname: Jen

Age(16-20): 17

Birthday (day and month only): Dec 16th

Part (if Random person than please includegender): Either Spencer's girlfriend or Brendon's fianceè


Piercings/Tattoos: "Rage And Love" on her right wrist

Scars/Birthmarks/etc: nope c:

Clothing style: band tshirts, skinny jeans, basically whatever's comfortable

Stage Outfit: a dress shirt, a vest(like Ryan's during Pretty.Odd.), skinny jeans and dress shoes.

Personality: sweet, can be menacing, welcoming, caring, puts others before herself, doesn't get mad easily but can be violent when she is.

Fears: clowns and the dark.

Jack- older brother
Susana- Mum
George- REAL dad
Heather- Real dad's new wife
Brooke- Half sister

Back story: Her dad left them, then, years later, entered their lives with a new family, whom Jack and Jen dislike. Their mum is sweet and urges them to get along but they don't, since their dad used to cheat on and abuse their mum.

How do they act around Brendon: She acts silly and loves joking around with him. And( depending if you give her this part) loving and a bit flirty. Pretty sweet.

How do they act around Jon: She gets along with him, even though they don't talk much, but they do have their friendship moments. She's sweet to him, too.

How do they act around Ryan: He's got a friend in her. She helps him out as much as possible, and considers him to be a good friend.

How do they act around Spencer: Very sweet and caring. She loves joking with him, too. And (depending if you give her this part) flirty, silly and loving. Occasionally a bit shy.

Anything else you fin useful to tell me: she's Mexican American.

That's all c: