Review for How does this site work..?

How does this site work..?

(#) Poppana 2013-02-23

You're really Norwegian? Hello almost neighbor (I'm Finnish)! Okay technically we ARE neighbors, there is some shared border... Ah, forget it :D Oh! One of my favorite bands is from Norway!
I'm not sure exactly what sort of help you're looking for, so I don't know what to say. I had a lot of trouble at first, too, and I still do sometimes, so don't worry if you don't figure shit out right away.
As for the English thing, don't worry if your English isn't perfect 100% of the time, mine isn't either and no one's murdered me for it yet.

Author's response

Hi there neighbour! :D What band? c:
I'm mostly just looking for the basic help, like how the main things work, like rating, rewieving, posting and stuff.