Review for Q&A


(#) Poppana 2013-02-23

I have some Q's for you! A them if you want.

1. Do you want to touch me?
2. Boxed juices with bendy straws; cool or not?
3. Which Powerpuff Girl is your favorite? (My username is the green one's name in Finnish!)
4. What is your political affiliation?
5. A gentleman/gentlewoman gives you a bouquet of roses; are you glad about it or does it bother you that they gave you plant corpses?
6. Do you enjoy receiving gifts or giving them more?
7. How do you generally react to your own writing? Are you super into your own stories or do you secretly hate them?
8. When putting your face (as in pictures or like you said, video) up in the internet, do you get worried that there might be some 60 year old greasy pervert guy jerking off to your face?