Review for Hai there, I'm new :3

Hai there, I'm new :3

(#) MidnightBlues 2013-02-25

Hi Ari! My name is Rose, and I am from York, in the rainy country of England... Anyhoo, You sound pretty cool.

Nobody hates you for being an epic Lesbian, I myself am Bi. takes a moment to take a humble bow because of the awesomeness And I am probebly a Paranoid Schizophrenic. My friends and family are pretty sertain, but I am not officialy diagnosed. My favorite colours are Green and Black, because they fit into anything ajd still go with my style! Some, well... Most... Call me Emo, but I prefer the phrase "Alternative Punk". I am an extreme introbert, so here is where I talk the most! Dear Ficwaddle!!!

I am part of the first Ficwad family, headed by Mama AJ, careful, she is like Angelina Jolie, and will adopt anyone and everyone, and that is why she is epic.

I have one question, how did you speak to the guy who was listening to MCR if you are Mute?

Sorry... That wa a bit insencetive... Ask me about my Schizophrenia!

Sorry. Anyways, I saw your username, OURS ARE A BIT SIMILAR!!! THEY BOTH END IN "BLUES"!!! Midnight Blues is my Killjoy name. I made a raygun out of cardboard to prove it!! It took me two weeks!!

Well... To end my one sided chat... Welcome to the weird and wanderful (but mostly weird) world of Ficwad, and the disfunctional family within! Looking forward to your Killjoy story!!!

Author's response

Hi Rose! You have a pretty name. :3 And thank you. YES. NO HATE HERE!!! At my school my ass is always getting kicked for that. :P Yeah. . I get called emo a lot too. :/ I hope to meet Mama AJ soon. :3 I'd love to be adopted!

I didn't actually ask him. I have a special notepad that I write in to talk to people. What's Schizophrenia like?
OURS ARE. OMFG MEANT TO BE. :'D Lucky. I want a raygun. :'3 Thank you!

xo Ari