Review for Hai there, I'm new :3

Hai there, I'm new :3

(#) DaniAtaDisco 2013-02-25

Hi! My name is Dani! I also know Sign language! It's purely because my mom took an ASL collage course a while ago and I found it interesting, so I also learned it. I know a handful of people who also know it because they also thought it was interesting! You seem like a lovely person and I hope we can be friends! Can't wait for your stories you can expect me to audition! I bet your a talented writer! You're a lesbian? AWESOME! I'm proud of you for being able to admit it! I am straight though. I LOVE The Umbrella Academy! I'm obsessed with the Séance though... I'm also obsessed with The Rumor though not as much as Séance... Well talk to you later hopefully!

Author's response

Hi Dani. :3 That's cool you know sign language too. :D Thank you for the compliment. I hope I am. :) YES WE CAN BE FRIENDS!! XD Haha thanks, it was freaky coming out. My family was like O__o AWW HELL NAW Les-be-honest here. I'm who I am. cX UMBRELLA ACADEMY IS AMAAAAZING!!!

xo Ari