Review for More Auditions

More Auditions

(#) AlexisSCREAM 2013-02-26

Name: Nikki

Age (13-16): 16

Detailed Appearance: Redish brown hair, parted to the left woth side bangs that are dyed blue. Has hazelish brown eyes, pale skin,

5 words that describe your personality; depressing, hyper, weird, friendly, shy

3 likes/dislikes:
Likes: Friends, flirting randomly, cute and creepy things
Dislikes: homophobes, haters, bitches

Anything special about you? (health issues, talents, quirks):OCD and depression, plays guitar and sings. She randomly thanks and greets people in other languages and has a hybrid british-irish accent.

Willing to get killed in this?: If I have to be

How'd you end up in the orphanage? (If you're a lover): A crazy pyscho man gunned down my entire family. I was hot, but manged to survive, however I can'tremeber much of my past.

Would you betray the group? (If you're a lover): Never. The group is too important

How do you feel about my younger sister? (If you're a lover): She's cool.

Can I be Ray;s lover?