Review for Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.

Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.

(#) Poppana 2013-03-16

I've joined the companions, thieves' guild and the mages' college, and the dark brotherhood so far :D Haven't finished any of those quest lines, though. I've just been exploring and doing minor quests.

By cannibal coven do you mean the Namira quest where you get Namira's Ring? I love that quest.

What's your Dragonborn's name? Mine is called Berenite.

Author's response

I'm Esmarelda :)

I'm wishing the ps3 version of skyrim had multiplayer,we could play together.

I don't do many of the quests on skyrim,I just explore.

That's what I mean't by cannibal coven,Namira's quest.

I also,on skyrim,have a hunter dog called Vigilance that I got from the Markarth stables.
