Review for She Was Hopeless

She Was Hopeless

(#) MCR-99 2013-03-16


no no no no fucking god damn it no.

You aren't hopeless,no.

don't listen to them,don't die.

Mitch Lucker,Suicide Silence: keep listening to will get you through everything,I promise.

Gerard Way,My Chemical Romance:/nothing is worth hurting yourself over,do you understand me?/

Dude,we need you here.
Fuck the past,Fuck the present,just think of the future!

~Sadie xx

Author's response

I'm okay, it's okay Sadie. Thank you for commenting. Yes, I was going to commit suicide. I'm still unsure.

I'm sorry it's just that right now I'm hiding from my dad and he has a knife and I dunno what to do. . .