(#) Sam41 2013-03-23
I will fight you tooth and nail to prove that you're dead wrong.
MCR isn't around, but does that mean you should stop liking them?!
Breaking Benjamin isn't around, Aaron and Mark got fired, Chad went to a new band and Ben is in the hopsital(probably out now but still)
Their not making any music after Shallow Bay/the Blow Me Away incedent.
Does that mean I should say "fuck that shit" and stop drawing their logo everywhere? Stop my hunt for their merch? Delete/throw away all of
their albums?
NO! They've done so much for me(kinda got me and my mom closer, because we both like 'em)
Neither should you! Think about it, what did MCR do for you over the years? What would happen if you didn't listen to them?
I bet half of that shit they did for you is something you can't replace....