Review for I Am Never Going To Sleep the Same Again

I Am Never Going To Sleep the Same Again

(#) LaurentheHuman 2013-04-06

I literally have nothing else better to do.

Name: Natalie "Nat"
Age: 11

Hair: Dirty blonde hair.
Clothes: Red pants. A white shirt with a black ghost on it. Over it a black, unbuttoned vest. Black fedora with white pinstripes and red vans.
Height/Weight: 5'0, 120.
Eyes: Dark brown.

Personality: She's very sassy. She loves to argue about anything and everything. For an eleven year old, she's quite opinionated.

How'd you react to finding out what your dad did for a living?: It really intrigued her. She wanted to know all about his work.

What do you think about the murders?: C'mon, it scared her a bit, but se finds it cooler more than anything.

What would you do if a dead kid/demon thing started communicating with you: She'd try to talk back, of course.