Review for I Am Never Going To Sleep the Same Again

I Am Never Going To Sleep the Same Again

(#) HatedEyes 2013-04-06

Name: Coraline Chasity Wentz/Way/Iero; she prefers being called Cal.

Age:(try to keep it under 13/14) 14.

Hair- Cut short, with long bangs that fall over her eyes. Naturally black, but she's dyed it a dark blue.
Clothes: Hoodies, Suicide Silence shirts, tight black jeans and a pair of cobalt blue SkullCandy headphones round her neck. She tops it all off with a leather jacket and Doc Martens.

Height/Weight: 5"8, scarily tall for a 14-year-old. Sh
Eyes: Jade green, heavily rimmed in eyeliner.

Personality: She's freaking dark. She always quotes poems, and likes to hide around forests and shit.

How'd you react to finding out what your dad did for a living?: She was like fuck, can I join?

What do you think about the murders?: She loves them.

What would you do if a dead kid/demon thing started communicating with you: She'd try and talk back.

Anything else: Nahhhh.