Review for Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.

Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.

(#) Poppana 2013-04-06

If chocolate is a drug, then damn, I'm really fucked. But no, I will NOT go to rehab. I am going down with my addiction.

I got like TWENTY Easter eggs, but most of them were Hello Kitty or Barbie ones, and they had really shitty toys. Then, from these Marvel eggs I got like seven Captain Americas and at least five Thors, and it was pissing me off so much that I burned them all. YOU DON'T FUCK WITH ME, COMMERCIAL CHOCOLATE EGG PRODUCTS.

Author's response


Aparantly, chocolate is a drug because it's a stimulant and stimulant drugs are actually drugs. Chocolate has caffiene in it, and caffiene is a stimulant drug. Learned that from Science.