Review for Sets of Three, They Say...

Sets of Three, They Say...

(#) FrostedGlass 2006-11-20

Things I fell in love with in this chapter:
1.) Pete´s spelling not being "top notch" all of the time. Ha ha. ;) Awesome.
2.) A cat named "Woof". I got a t-shirt that has a cat on the front with the heading "confused cat" and the cat says "woof". ;) There´s also Sheena´s feline sidekick Mr. Meatball in my story the Bass Files... (he´s neutered in the parallel universe) Maybe he could hang out with Woof sometime.
3.) Patrick being so ambitious about learning how to sign.
4.) You re-teaching me the basics of sign language. I really never should have given up on that. :(

Author's response

when i was thirteen, i met my one and only deaf friend, who is still my best friend to this day, and my character, Meg, is very, very based on her.

Mal is very based on me, which is too bad. minus the red hair and the tan. i'm a brunette. with no tan.

anyway, kristan, my best friend, recently met a guy in a band and they're hitting it off. i told her she should wait and see if Patrick loves her, but she said no thanks.

we're in chicago, i don't know what she's hiding from. i'd be looking high and low. just kidding.

no, i really think i would be.

woof id very lonely right now. my other cat, elphaba, decided it was a fabulous idea to run away, leaving me and her lover, woof, very alone. sad, sad, sad. mr. meatball would be a nice friend for woof. i just know it.