Review for Profile Of Your Resident Lesbian Couple!

Profile Of Your Resident Lesbian Couple!

(#) HatedEyes 2013-05-04

Oh, okay then! Profile stalking is fun.

Let me set you a scene. A 5"0 girl with cropped-short brown hair is creeping through her house to grab the Internet modem. As she is passing her parent's bedroom, she hears strange noises - similar to the ones she writes.. oh fucking cow shit.

It was NOT fun.

Author's response

N: Let me set the scene for you about how it happened with me. An 11-year-old girl, about 4'10 with shoulder-length dark brown/black hair tied up in a messy bun is creeping across the flat she and her parents live in at 2am to grab an extra blanket out of the linen cupboard, as it is the middle of winter and she is freezing. To get there, she passes her parent's bedroom. She hears strange noises coming out of the room, but thinks nothing of it for the moment, as she's preoccupied with what she was even up for. The next morning, her aunt comes over, along with her evil then 16-year-old cousin Arlene. Curiosity gets the better of her, and she thinks "Hey, Arlene's smart, maybe she'll know what those noises were." She stills hates Arlene to this day for corrupting her.