Hi, Dave Strider.
Hi, Ryan. I'm so sorry. Please don't say that. Just calm down.
Guys, PLEASE, just stop!
I'm getting sick of this! Okay?! I understand, things, people, etc. piss you off. I know that feel! But seriously! Stop!
This site is becoming more and more consumed with drama each day! This is why some people left in the first place, and I'm not gonna stand idly by, watching quietly anymore!
Sadie, it's constructive critiscim! I get why you might be pissed, but seriously! You can't be pissed off everytime someone gives you critiscim because they just want you to improve. You can choose to follow it or not, and you can choose to handle it MATURELY or not. One thing I know: POSTING A RANT ABOUT IT WILL OT SOLVE ANYTHING. Alright?!
Ash, I appreciate that you're trying to make other people's writing better, because you mean well. I know you try to be polite about it and all and that's something that takes strength, but you can go around telling people to fix their writing. You mean well and I get it, but it's their writing. They come on to write what they feel, to express themselves, and you can't just tell them what to do. You can offer it, but it's up to them if they wanna do it or not. If you don't like it, don't read it. Now, I understand you. Again, I know you mean well, because you're a talented writer and you mean the best but others may not think that. I actually heavily agree with you on some things but yo have to cool it a bit, sometimes. You are AMAZING. Seriously.
Now, NEITHER of you will put words in my mouth("AJ implied I have bad writing" "AJ basically said she hated me") because that is NOT what I'm saying. You are both my friends, so either shake hands, call a TRUCE, and put it behind you or just don't make contact on this site again!