(#) ladysavay 2013-05-22

Great stuff so far. I love skullduggery when it's Harry getting away with it. Why, I wonder, did you opt to have him confess to Carolyn about his disposition of the Dursleys? I really didn't see the point in her knowing. Ah well, I guess you'll tell us down the road a bit.

I do so hope that after 1000 years Harry is able to out-think and out scheme the old man and that he WON'T get in the way of Sirius getting free and staying free. You'd think Harry would have had hundreds of years to think the old 'if I only knew then what I know now, THIS is what I would have done differently'.

Author's response

Thank you, ladysavay.

I had Harry give Carolyn that information because should Dumbledore ever determine he was not killed, he’d immediately try to convince everybody who’d listen that Harry was an up-and-coming dark lord who’d murdered his relatives. Since Chapman and Associates represented his family, it is only reasonable that she have whatever information needed to stave off any accusations of that sort.

Outthinking the old man: C’mon! Dr. Evil could outthink the bumblebee.

When Harry was given the choice of coming back, he fully intended to use his collected knowledge to make sure things turned out differently. That way he wouldn’t have to second guess himself.
