Review for Want A Oneshot?

Want A Oneshot?

(#) BeccaIsNotOnFire 2013-06-02

Name: Clara Regal
Nickname(s): Just Clara
Age in Fic: 19
Hair; Short, lots of layers, heavy fringe, silvery-blonde.
Eyes; Green eyes with grey eyeshadow and minimal eyeliner.
Clothes; Quite victorian male style. Plain shirts, waistcoats, blazers, dark jeans and bowler or top hats. Look up Fearless Vampire Killers and basically it's clothes like theirs.
Height/Weight; Average height, thin but thighs are quite big which she hates.
Anything else involving looks?; Nose piercing, ears pierced and a turquoise treble clef tattooed on her wrist.
Personality; Loyal to those she trusts, spiteful to those she doesn't. Can be sarcastic a lot. Short tempered.
Pairing; OC/Rian Dawson
Plot; OC decides to move to New York in order to pursue her dream of becoming an actress which means having to try a long distance relationship with Rian. Ends badly. But a few years later (lets say OC is now 22) OC and Rian are reunited in the streets of New York the night before Rian and ATL are performing. OC goes to concert blah de blah romance and hot Rian-ness. I'll let you take it from there.
Anything else?; Nope