(#) jabarber69 2013-06-15

Hey great chapter....also I got to tell ya the description of house elf bond to their masters was the most thought out and most detail explanation I've ever read....

love the intro to hermionet that was so cool.....especially the part where milk came out of her nose, I can just see little emma watson doing something cute like that!

Author's response

Heya Jabarbar!

Thanks for them kind words.

Yeah, the hosue elf bond has always been a sticking point with me. Hermione immediately went on the offensive in canon, even without having all the facts. That struck me as odd, given her otherwise thorough nature. She never took into consideration that there might have been a legitimate reason the house elves were there. I based my explanation on the story ‘The Shoemaker and The Elves.’ Those elves (brownies???) acted exactly as the house elves did in canon, and that story explained why.

Intro: thank you. It just seemed ‘right’. It’ll also allow Harry to interact with her tormentors in a manner that might get them to think for themselves.

I’ve seen that happen all too often (Usually when I’m reading something from Rorshach’s Blot, Clell or Fangella Marie!) and little Hermione, genius she may be, is still a child.

And so can I.
