Review for Motorcycle


(#) GBTtown 2013-07-02

After almost four and a half years, the chances of getting an update are slim and slimmer. Too bad!
Other than the last chapter, this is a really really enjoyable story. One of the best H/Hr I have read in a while. I liked their European adventures together and would have liked to read more along that line.
Remus Lupin is not one of my favorite characters. I think Harry's description of him as a coward is right on. He chose to listen to Dumbledork rather than do the right thing. Both in your story and canon. He left Harry to rot in Durzkaban, he left Sirius to rot in Azkaban. Just what kind of friend automatically assumes the worst about a friend and abandons his friend's child? Lupin is pitiful! AND he never deserved Tonks!