My only issue with this chapter is on the martial arts. Aikido is not, in any way, an 'aggressive' martial art. It's all about avoiding conflict, in fact the best aikidoka will never have to fight at all. When they must, it is throws and joint locks, things to use to stop someone and get away, rather than offensive moves. You sound, from the note at the end of the chapter, like you know a bit about at least Judo - there I will admit to knowing nothing other than it's an offensive grappling martial art. Are you sure you don't have them flipped around?
Author's response
Heya OdinMage,
Compared to Judo, Aikido can be used quite aggressively. I think of Aikido as ‘Judo with oomph’. At the age of six, or seven, being thrown to the ground, especially if one does not know how to fall, is usually enough to deter any further aggression. If it takes more, that can also be learned.
As you indicated, I am well trained in Judo and Aikido, and for the less cooperative people, Tang su do as well. I am also skilled in Sambo, Muay Thai, (simply put: knife and baton fighting) Krav Maga, MCMAP, and various other combat tactics. Some of those have kept me alive in the sandbox, and some, I learned just as an interest. I do not use any of them unless lives are at stake.