(#) BJH 2013-07-05

Considering Dawlish, there are also his actions in book 7, he participates, as an Auror, in at least one of the attacks against Harry, unfortunately I can not cite exactly where but I think it is towards the end of the book, possibly the same one where Stan Shunpike shows up as a DeathEater.


Author's response

Hey BJH,

Dawlish. I read through DH, but was so disgusted by HAP, I treally didn’t pay much attention. (Sigh, I’ll have to read that pile of…typing again. You evil person, you!)

Stan: Shows clearly the disparity in canon. First of all, he’s about as capable a wizard as Crabbe or Goyle, and second, despite Rowling’s assertion, I don’t think anyone could become a Death Eater while under Imperius. If it takes the use of an unforgivable as I and several other authors believe, it can’t be done. According to Crouch/Moody and Bellatrix, to cast an unforgivable, as George Carlin would say, ya gotta WANNA! Magic is all about intent (as I've made mentionof in this story) That also applies to the sectusempra curse. Just flicking your wand and saying the words, without knowng what it does isn’t enough. That’s one of my favorite plot holes, don’tcha know.
