Review for You dont know about me, But i bet you want to

You dont know about me, But i bet you want to

(#) MCR-99 2013-07-31

I'm Sadie, and I'm thirteen.
My birth month is a month after you (December ftw.)

I like a fuckload of bands. Stuff like Asking Alexandria, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, that sorta stuff.

Fun fact about me: The band Alkalaine Trio (however you spell it) have a song named after me. Same as The Beatles, but I don't like the name of it. I am not Sexy in any way.

I coulda seen Pierce The Veil, ya know. But, alas. It was on a school night in a nightclub. Fucking concerts in places I'm not fucking allowed.

If you haven't noticed, I curse a whole lot.

Author's response

I curse alot too so dont worry. I just try not to do it in my writing (have my story characters curse alot) because it takes away from the story. I think it's okay to curse alot as long as it's done in a tasteful way. Like, saying "I hate this. It's bullshit." instead of saying "I motherfucking hate this. It's goddamn bullshit. Fuck."